I have used the Rmagick to create the gif2led, which is used for my hardware led projects. You can find more detail at http://www.bitartist.org/2008/06/gif2led-released-and-with-my-led-egg.html
It is a very simple application, and involved some manipulations on animated gif with Rmagick. The code is simple to read if you are interested in working on animated gif in Ruby.
Sunday, July 20, 2008
Thursday, May 22, 2008
Ping echo check in Ruby, a dummy port scanner
Ping library in Ruby is fun to use,
it is easy to make it as a small port scanner
it is easy to make it as a small port scanner
require "ping"
if ARGV.length != 3
puts "Usage: pingb machine_domain min max"
exit 0
for port in (ARGV[1].to_i..ARGV[2].to_i) do
if Ping.pingecho(ARGV[0],1,port) then
puts "Port #{port} open"
$ruby pingecho.rb slashdots.org 80 100
Port 80 open
Command line arguments in Ruby.
Using the array: ARGV
puts "No. of arguments:" << ARGV.length.to_s
puts "Loop elements"
for options in ARGV do
puts options
puts "Loop index"
for i in 0..ARGV.length-1
puts "#{i} #{ARGV[i]}"
$ ruby testcmd.rb one two three
No. of arguments:3
Loop elements
Loop index
0 one
1 two
2 three
Switch case in Ruby
Swith case is support in Ruby language:
String matching:
case i
when 1..9
puts "not 10"
when 10
puts "it is 10"
output: "it is 10"
String matching:
case input
when "hello world"
puts "hello world"
when "hell"
puts "heaven"
when /hell/
puts "hell inside"
output: "hell inside"
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
Random Number with ruby
using rand
Generate a random number in integer
rand(range in max)
for e.g.
get a random number from 1 to 10
Why need to plus "1", because rand returns 0...max-1
Random a floating point number,
calling rand with null argument, rand returns floating number in range [0,1]
for e.g. for range 1...10
1 + rand * 9
Generate a random number in integer
rand(range in max)
for e.g.
get a random number from 1 to 10
Why need to plus "1", because rand returns 0...max-1
irb(main):034:0> 1+rand(10)
=> 8
irb(main):035:0> 1+rand(10)
=> 2
irb(main):036:0> 1+rand(10)
=> 7
irb(main):037:0> 1+rand(10)
=> 5
irb(main):038:0> 1+rand(10)
=> 1
irb(main):039:0> 1+rand(10)
Random a floating point number,
calling rand with null argument, rand returns floating number in range [0,1]
for e.g. for range 1...10
1 + rand * 9
irb(main):079:0> 1 + rand*9
=> 5.85549064689046
irb(main):080:0> 1 + rand*9
=> 8.5913031102674
irb(main):081:0> 1 + rand*9
=> 5.84003966648288
irb(main):082:0> 1 + rand*9
=> 3.45730690493765
irb(main):083:0> 1 + rand*9
=> 9.07177615052255
irb(main):084:0> 1 + rand*9
=> 5.07483813090987
irb(main):085:0> 1 + rand*9
=> 8.22263965908269
Print without newline
use print for more control than puts.
irb(main):001:0> puts "Hello"
=> nil
irb(main):002:0> print "Hello"
Hello=> nil
irb(main):001:0> puts "Hello"
=> nil
irb(main):002:0> print "Hello"
Hello=> nil
Loops in Ruby (Looping...For)
There are several ways to write Loops in Ruby:
1. For Loop
2. While / Until Loop
Every integer is an object in Ruby, and it has methods upto, downto and times.
1. For Loop
#print Hello World three times
For i in 1..3 do
puts "Hello World"
2. While / Until Loop
3. upto, downto and times
#print Hello World three times
while i < 3 do
puts "Hello World"
i = i + 1
#print Hello World three times
until i == 3 do
puts "Hello World"
i = i + 1
Every integer is an object in Ruby, and it has methods upto, downto and times.
#print Hello World three times
1.upto(3) do
puts "Hello World"
#print Hello World three times
3.downto(1) do
puts "Hello World"
#print Hello World three times
3.times do
puts "Hello World"
Typical Ruby File
Take a look of my small Ruby file:
- Single line comment, put "#" in the front
- Multiple line comments (use =begin...=end block) :
#it is a comment
mutliple line comments
puts "Hello World"
- Single line comment, put "#" in the front
- Multiple line comments (use =begin...=end block) :
Ruby Hands-on
It is fun to use Interative Ruby command line console to test out ruby code.
Let's do a hello world.
In your Unix/Linux or Mac OS X console,
type in
Let's do a Hello World
Let's do a hello world.
In your Unix/Linux or Mac OS X console,
type in
Let's do a Hello World
irb(main):001:0> puts "Hello World"
Hello World
=> nil
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